Join us for an extra spooky Mischief Night show featuring Mostly Dead and benefiting the Musician Treatment Foundation, complete with a costume contest and emcee for the evening!
$10 cover
Proceeds to MTF
10 PM-Close
Costume Contest! (Prizes coming soon)
Special guest emcee (coming soon)
Proceeds to MTF
10 PM-Close
Costume Contest! (Prizes coming soon)
Special guest emcee (coming soon)
About MTF:
The Musician Treatment Foundation assists in delivering free and low-cost surgical and nonsurgical care for the shoulder, elbow, and hand injuries of uninsured and underinsured professional musicians. MTF is dedicated to fostering a world that cares for its injured musicians regardless of their ability to pay so they can maintain their livelihoods and keep the music playing for us all.
The Musician Treatment Foundation assists in delivering free and low-cost surgical and nonsurgical care for the shoulder, elbow, and hand injuries of uninsured and underinsured professional musicians. MTF is dedicated to fostering a world that cares for its injured musicians regardless of their ability to pay so they can maintain their livelihoods and keep the music playing for us all.
About Mostly Dead: